Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Mailbox insident!!!

HaHa! My mom, sister and I were pulling out of our driveway to go to the mall and my mother wanted my sis to check the mail so she pulled up right by it and just barely tapped it with the side mirror on the car and was able to pull by. But then after my sis checked the mail my mom pulled out by the mailbox and the backend of her car swerved and hit it really hard. My mom glimpsed in the side mirror just quick enough that she saw the mailbox fall over. It was so funny. She had broken the four by four in half and the whole thing just fell over. She was laughing so hard that she was going 25 miles and hour in a 55 mile an hour zone. When we got to the mall she sat in the car laughing for ever. And get this. she laughed so hard that she started crying. Then every time that she told the story she couldn't even finish what she was saying because she just kept laughing. Oh it was so awesome.
So keep checking in because I got some stuff coming.